Thursday, December 6, 2012

Symbolism In Dreams

Everyone dreams when they fall asleep, but when people dream, what does their dream actually mean? Most dreams have symbolism in it meaning that what you dream about can relate to something in your actual life, this has happen to me a lot of times, sometimes I notice and sometimes I don't. I've had this one particular dream that I just had that really is symbolizing something that is happening in my life and the outcome of this something. Many people try to interpret their dreams because they believe that dreams actually have a meaning. Well, this one dream that I just had most likely does have a meaning and it goes like this...

Recently I've been enrolled in a driving school so I can have my permit for driving. I'm sixteen so I need to go to driving school by law in order to receive my permit. I've already passed the written driver's exam therefore I just need to complete six hours of driving school in order to finally have my permit. By the way, I've never actually drove on the streets before until now so I'm new at this so anything can happen. Well, I've recently have had a dream that I've gotten myself into an accident. I don't know much of what happen since humans forget most of their dreams when they dream but all I can remember that I've gotten into an accident with my driver instructor in the car. I know that this event in my dream just means that deep inside me I have a fear of getting into an actual physical accident. I had this dream right before I started driving so I guess since I'm new at this, it's understandable.

I remember that one time I've read this book about a man that wanted to go to the wild because he was tired of his life and all. The book was called ,"Into The Wild," and the main character had a fear. His fear was that he didn't want to bond to people a lot for some reason. In a lot of literature books, the main character has to have some sort of fear, fear is a common thing among people. All in all, fear is just an illusion that your brain casts on you, that is why I've learned from of my dream of having an accident.

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