Race and racism are real issues that we face today in society. Today, young people are not as racist as the previous generation but they still feel more comfortable with their own race. This means that racism is slowly fading away as newer generations come by. There is also a difference on how genders experience race and racism as well. People nowadays feel more comfortable with their own race rather than other races, mostly because of stereotypical thoughts, not racism thoughts.
In this generation, most parents do not like it when their kids are involved in an interracial relationship. They tend to want their kids to date someone their own race. A lot of young people nowadays now about this, so they stick with their own race. Though, this seems to be more stricter towards daughters rather than sons. Some parents believe that everyone one in a race will act somewhat the same or will do the same actions, they will have stereotypical thoughts. This does get annoying at times but it is what our world has come to right now. Talking about interracial relationships, this reminds me of a scene in the movie Holes. There was this scene where a white teacher named Katherine rejected the town's richest man named Trout because she kind of liked a black man named Sam. When someone saw Sam kiss Katherine, the school was burned down and Sam was chased down until he was shot all because he was black and Katherine was white. Even though this does not include parents in it, it is still something today's young people do not have to worry about anymore.
Furthermore, young people today feel more comfortable with their own race rather than with other races. In a school cafeteria, there are always groups of students of the same race such as, Hispanic people sitting with the Hispanic people and African American people sitting with African American people. Though, this is not always the case, it still happens. This probably mainly happens because today, young people are very stereotypical, and they are very naive. We young people today were not around when the Civil Rights Movement happened so we have no idea what racism actually is, thanks to the Civil Rights Movements that is. All that is left now is stereotypical thoughts rather than racism thoughts in today's generation of young people.
All in all, racism seems to be slowly fading away as newer generations come by but stereo typical people will always stick around. Also, young people feel more comfortable with their own race rather than with other races because they are somewhat naive and sometimes stereotypes. Additionally, there is also a difference on how genders experience race and racism, problems with parents and kids, mainly daughters, with interracial dating is an example. We young people today have yet to know what racism really is, we are still naive. It is just how our world has come to now.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Not much is known about Valentine's day. All that is known is that Pope Gelasiums marked February 14th as a day to honor St. Valentine's martyrdom Eventually, St. Valentines became the patron saint of lovers and February 14th became the day of exchanging love. St. Valentines was a Roman holy priest who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He was Martyred in 269 AD and he is the Patron Saint of affianced couples, bee keepers, engaged couples, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, plague, travelers and young people. There are several other theories about the origin of Valentines but no one knows for sure. Basically in a nutshell, we celebrate Valentines to honor St. Valentines death which some of people don't even know about.
Now, as for relationship advice, it's best to not get into a relationship if you're not ready. It's not okay to mess around with other people's feelings like that, this can end pretty bad. Also, DON'T get into relationships just to feel better about yourself and use that excuse of being happy all of the time, you should be happy with YOURSELF to begin with in order to have a healthy relationship. Don't think that getting into a relationship is like a medicine that will cure any disease known to man. To tell you the truth, the number one goal of being IN a relationship is to be happy, that's it. If you enter in a relationship unhappy and all depressed, then there will be problems. Carrying on, beware of infatuations and lusts. Being attracted to someone just because of their body, which is lust, is ridiculously stupid to me. I've heard of a saying that says,"Looks always fade, however, those with inner beauty always become more beautiful." This means that physical attraction will always fade away but the beauty of someone inside, which is their personality, will always become more beautiful. Relationships that started mainly because of physical appearances usually don't last too long, so always go for someone's PERSONALITY, NOT LOOKS. JUST BE YOURSELF, DON'T TRY TO BE LIKE OTHERS. In the end, it's what's in the inside that counts but honestly, today's generations of teens could care less about this and their going to do whatever the hell they want to do nowadays. It's best to stay single as a teen to avoid drama and problems.
Now, as for relationship advice, it's best to not get into a relationship if you're not ready. It's not okay to mess around with other people's feelings like that, this can end pretty bad. Also, DON'T get into relationships just to feel better about yourself and use that excuse of being happy all of the time, you should be happy with YOURSELF to begin with in order to have a healthy relationship. Don't think that getting into a relationship is like a medicine that will cure any disease known to man. To tell you the truth, the number one goal of being IN a relationship is to be happy, that's it. If you enter in a relationship unhappy and all depressed, then there will be problems. Carrying on, beware of infatuations and lusts. Being attracted to someone just because of their body, which is lust, is ridiculously stupid to me. I've heard of a saying that says,"Looks always fade, however, those with inner beauty always become more beautiful." This means that physical attraction will always fade away but the beauty of someone inside, which is their personality, will always become more beautiful. Relationships that started mainly because of physical appearances usually don't last too long, so always go for someone's PERSONALITY, NOT LOOKS. JUST BE YOURSELF, DON'T TRY TO BE LIKE OTHERS. In the end, it's what's in the inside that counts but honestly, today's generations of teens could care less about this and their going to do whatever the hell they want to do nowadays. It's best to stay single as a teen to avoid drama and problems.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Personification is basically giving an inaminate object human characteristics.
For Example:
"The car whistled at the crowd"
This quote is saying that the car is honking at a passing crowd but if you add a bit of personification in it you can say the car "whistled" or you can even say it "yelled" since it's a human characteristic.
If each day of the week were a person, it would be almost EXACTLY like this to me:
Mondays -.-

Face it, nobody likes Monday. Monday is just a grumpy old person that's just yelling at a person in the morning to wake up. Also, during the day, Monday pushes and annoys you and Mondays make to try and squeeze every ounce of energy and confidence out of you. They're just annoying to existence.
Tuesdays :l

Now Tuesdays are another story. Tuesdays are motivational speakers, they start motivating and pushing you even more to go back to work and actually enjoy it. This is where everyone starts enjoying their week thanks to Tuesday.
Wednesday :}

Finally, Wednesday. Wednesdays make you laugh and they make you have a good time. Wednesday also reminds you that the beloved Friday is just around the corner so you just get even happier than you already are. Wednesday is another relief to the week.
Thursday :)

Thursday is the ticking time bomb of enjoyment and extreme relief. Not only is Thursday right before Friday but Thursdays also brings your hopes up and they enlighten your mood by telling everyone that the weekend is right around the corner.
Friday :D

Now Friday seems to be a drug dealer that likes giving everyone free ecstasy drugs. Everyone in school or working enjoys Friday's company because Friday is pulling the weekend towards our direction and everyone enjoys the weekend way more than Friday.
Saturday ヾ(*⌒ヮ⌒*)ゞ

Saturday enjoys parties. Everyone goes to Saturday's party which seems to be always at nights. Now people are crazier in Saturday's parties than a regular day with Friday. Everyone is hyper and just like having a great time with Saturday.
Sunday = /

Some people hates Sunday because Sunday is dragging the dreadful Monday back towards us, which everyone hates. Other people enjoys Sunday because Sunday is the ultimate relief giver. A lot of people are lazy and just chilled out with Sunday. It's what people do to get ready with dreadful Monday.
For Example:
"The car whistled at the crowd"
This quote is saying that the car is honking at a passing crowd but if you add a bit of personification in it you can say the car "whistled" or you can even say it "yelled" since it's a human characteristic.
If each day of the week were a person, it would be almost EXACTLY like this to me:
Mondays -.-
Face it, nobody likes Monday. Monday is just a grumpy old person that's just yelling at a person in the morning to wake up. Also, during the day, Monday pushes and annoys you and Mondays make to try and squeeze every ounce of energy and confidence out of you. They're just annoying to existence.
Tuesdays :l
Now Tuesdays are another story. Tuesdays are motivational speakers, they start motivating and pushing you even more to go back to work and actually enjoy it. This is where everyone starts enjoying their week thanks to Tuesday.
Wednesday :}
Finally, Wednesday. Wednesdays make you laugh and they make you have a good time. Wednesday also reminds you that the beloved Friday is just around the corner so you just get even happier than you already are. Wednesday is another relief to the week.
Thursday :)
Thursday is the ticking time bomb of enjoyment and extreme relief. Not only is Thursday right before Friday but Thursdays also brings your hopes up and they enlighten your mood by telling everyone that the weekend is right around the corner.
Friday :D
Now Friday seems to be a drug dealer that likes giving everyone free ecstasy drugs. Everyone in school or working enjoys Friday's company because Friday is pulling the weekend towards our direction and everyone enjoys the weekend way more than Friday.
Saturday ヾ(*⌒ヮ⌒*)ゞ
Saturday enjoys parties. Everyone goes to Saturday's party which seems to be always at nights. Now people are crazier in Saturday's parties than a regular day with Friday. Everyone is hyper and just like having a great time with Saturday.
Sunday = /
Some people hates Sunday because Sunday is dragging the dreadful Monday back towards us, which everyone hates. Other people enjoys Sunday because Sunday is the ultimate relief giver. A lot of people are lazy and just chilled out with Sunday. It's what people do to get ready with dreadful Monday.
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