When Hurricane Sandy happened, the power went out almost everywhere around me. Some people got their power a few days later after the storm, some people a week later, and some ten days later. Unfortunately it took ten days for my power to return. Those ten days were very insipid to me. Also, phone service was nearly impossible to get in my town and the towns around me so there was no way anyone could have contact anyone without going to their house. There was no school for two weeks and those two weeks were very dull to me. This hurricane just brought two weeks of nothingness to me.
I really didn't really learn much of the ten days without power. The only thing I learned was to live in the cold and sleep and in the cold. My mother is from the Dominican Republic and where she lives, the power always goes out every single day for a few hours, I'd say about five to nine hours daily. I always go to Dominican Republic every summer and I myself have gotten used to having no power and being in the darkness. Actually, the power outage here kind of reminded me of my country, the Dominican Republic.
In the end, I just spent these two weeks either listening to music (at first when my mp3 device had battery power), playing guitar, talking with my mom, or just doing nothing. This was just a pointless two weeks to me at least, i'm sure some other people learn how to do other things, but I didn't. Hurricane Sandy, why come here? I'm glad this is just all over with already.
yup thats true